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Landscape Tips – Transform Your Outdoor Space This Spring

Spring is a great time to start thinking about landscaping your outdoor space. Whether you have a small patio or a large backyard, there are plenty of things you can do to transform your space into a beautiful oasis. As experts in landscape design and installation, Detile Construction and Renovation has some valuable tips and ideas to help you get started.

1 – Start with a plan

Before you start digging up your lawn or planting new flowers, it’s important to have a plan in place. Take some time to think about how you want to use your outdoor space and what features you’d like to include, such as a patio, water feature, or garden. A well-thought-out plan can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your outdoor space is both functional and beautiful.

2 – Add some color

Spring is the perfect time to add some color to your outdoor space. Consider planting flowers, shrubs, or trees that bloom in the spring. Some great options include tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and cherry blossoms. Adding colorful accents, such as outdoor pillows or a brightly colored umbrella, can also help add some vibrancy to your outdoor space.

3 – Create a focal point

A great way to make your outdoor space feel more inviting is to create a focal point. This could be a water feature, a fire pit, or a sculpture. A focal point can help draw the eye and create a sense of visual interest in your outdoor space.

4 – Incorporate lighting

Outdoor lighting can help make your outdoor space feel more inviting and functional. Consider adding string lights, pathway lighting, or spotlights to highlight certain features, such as a garden or patio. Outdoor lighting can also help make your outdoor space feel safer and more secure.

5 – Don’t forget about maintenance

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that maintaining your outdoor space is an ongoing process. Regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning are all important for keeping your plants and trees healthy and vibrant. Additionally, regular maintenance of your patio or other outdoor features can help ensure that they last for years to come.

At Detile Construction and Renovation, we’re experts in landscape design and installation. Whether you’re looking to create a new outdoor living area or simply refresh your existing outdoor space, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our landscape services in Vancouver and Calgary.


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